Authors: ANVISA

October 2020 – Regulation from the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), of the Ministry of Public Health of Brazil regarding the nutritional labeling of food (including beverages) and technical requirements. It excludes unprocessed and minimally processed foods, aligning with the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. It requires Front-of-Package Nutritional Labeling (FoPNL), featuring rectangles with magnifying glasses and legends “High in: Saturated fats / added sugars / sodium” (white letters on a black background), when these quantities exceed the limits established by ANVISA. It enhances the design, content, and legibility of the nutritional information panel, in black lettering on a white background. It includes mandatory information on: total and added sugars, number of servings per package, and all information on nutrient content per 100 g or 100 ml. It was approved in 2020 and began to be enforced in 2022.

Regulación de la Agencia nacional de vigilancia sanitaria (ANVISA), del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Brasil sobre el etiquetado nutricional de alimentos (bebidas incluidas) y requisitos técnicos. Excluye los alimentos sin procesar y mínimamente procesados, lo que se alinea con las Guías Alimentarias para la Población Brasileña. Requiere etiquetado frontal nutricional (FoPNL), de rectángulos con lupa y leyendas “Alto en: Grasas saturadas / azúcares agregados / sodio (letras blancas sobre fondo negro), cuando esta cantidades superen los limites establecidos ANVISA. Mejora el diseño, contenido y legibilidad del panel de información nutricional, en letra negra sobre fondo blanco. Incluye la información obligatoria de: azúcares totales y añadidos, número de porciones del producto por envase, y toda la información sobre el contenido de nutrientes por 100 g o 100 ml. Fue aprobada en el 2020 y comenzó a aplicarse en el 2022.

Regulatory Decree 151/2022 Healthy Eating Promotion Law

Authors: Argentina Republic

March 2022 – Presidential Decree regulating Law No. 27.642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating in the Argentine Republic. It establishes the Ministry of Public Health as the enforcement authority of the law. It is also known as the front-of-package labeling law. It includes restrictions on the sale of products containing labels in school environments. It is based on the Nutrient Profile Model of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). It is one of the most recently approved regulations in the region. It utilizes warning octagons for “Excess of” sugars, total fats, healthy fats, sodium, calories, and precautionary legends for children regarding sweeteners and caffeine. The document is the decree but includes the complete Law as an annex.

Estimating the dietary and health impact of implementing front-of-pack nutrition labeling in Canada: A macrosimulation modeling study

Authors: Nadia Flexner, Alena P. Ng, Mavra Ahmed, Neha Khandpur, Rachel B. Acton, Jennifer J. Lee y Mary R. L’Abbe corresponding.

March 2023 – The health authority in Canada has published regulations on front-of-package labeling in July 2022, which will come into effect in January 2026. This is the first study modeling the potential long-term impacts on diet and health of the adult population from a warning front-of-package labeling system with the legend “high in” in Canada. Four counterfactual scenarios of front-of-package labeling were modeled. The results suggest a significant reduction in the consumption of sodium, total sugar, and saturated fats among Canadian adults (values in the article) and a reduction of between 2,183 and 8,907 deaths due to diet-related non-communicable diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases (~70% estimated by the Preventable Risk Integrated Model PRIME). This represents between 2.4 and 9.6% of the total number of deaths from diet-related non-communicable diseases in Canada.

La autoridad de salud en Canadá ha publicado regulaciones sobre el etiquetado frontal en julio de 2022 que entrará en vigencia en enero de 2026. Este es el primer estudio que modela los posibles impactos a largo plazo en la dieta y en la salud de la población adulta de un sistema de etiquetado frontal de alimentos de advertencia con la leyenda “alto en” en Canadá. Se utilizaron cuatro escenarios contrafactuales de etiquetado frontal modelados. Los resultados sugieren una reducción significativa en el consumo de sodio, azúcar total y grasas saturadas entre los adultos canadienses (valores en el artículo) y una reducción de entre 2,183 y 8,907 muertes debido a enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas con la dieta, principalmente enfermedades cardiovasculares (~70% estimadas por el Modelo Integrado de Riesgo Prevenible PRIME). Esto representa entre el 2.4 y el 9.6% del número total de muertes por enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas con la dieta en Canadá.

Toolkit for Strengthening Healthy Environments at the Municipal Level. Recommendations for Achieving Healthy Environments

Authors: Federación Argentina de Graduados en Nutrición (FAGRAN) Centro de Investigación sobre Problemáticas Alimentarias Nutricionales (CISPAN) – UBA

March 2023 – The document offers pedagogical resources and territorial strategies to support Argentine municipal technical teams in participatory improvement of the daily living environments of children and adolescents. It is recommended to start with the Healthy Environments Questionnaire to assess the local situation. Each environment, such as schools, health centers, and recreational spaces, should be comprehensively addressed according to the provided recommendations. The “Nutritional Education” chapter includes a guide for organizing workshops on nutritional information and front-of-package labeling for children and adolescents. Additionally, it contains a calendar of events related to health and nutrition.

El documento ofrece recursos pedagógicos y estrategias territoriales para apoyar a los equipos técnicos municipales argentinos en la mejora participativa de los entornos de vida cotidiana de niños y adolescentes. Se recomienda comenzar con el Cuestionario Entornos Saludables para evaluar la situación local. Cada entorno, como escuelas, centros de salud y espacios recreativos, debe abordarse integralmente según las recomendaciones proporcionadas. El capítulo de “Educación alimentaria nutricional” incluye una guía para organizar talleres sobre información nutricional y etiquetado frontal para niños y adolescentes. Además, contiene un calendario de efemérides relacionadas con la salud y la alimentación.

Responses to the Chilean law of food labeling and advertising: exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children

Authors: Teresa Correa; Camila Fierro; Marcela Reyes; Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier; Lindsey Smith Taillie; Camila Corvalan

2019 – In line with calls for action from international health organizations, Chile implemented in June 2016 a set of regulations to tackle the obesity epidemic. The new regulation includes the mandatory use of front-of-package warning labels on packaged foods/beverages high in energy, sugars, saturated fats and sodium. Additionally, such foods cannot be sold nor offered in daycares/schools and cannot be promoted to children under 14yo. The law is targeted to children; thus, this study examined mothers’ understanding, perceptions, and behaviors associated with the regulation one year after its implementation, using a qualitative approach.

Building momentum: lessons on implementing a robust front-of-pack food label

Authors: WCRFInternational (World Cancer Research Fund International)

2019 – Provides advice to policymakers about designing and implementing a front-of-pack food label in the face of various challenges caused by lack of political will and industry interference. It seeks to equip policymakers with overarching guidance on how to design a robust front-of-pack food label that will help overcome issues of lack of political as well as defend their label against legal and non-legal challenges, including common tactics used by industry. Case studies are included throughout the report from countries who are in the process of, or who have already implemented a front-of-pack label.

Responses to the Chilean law of food labeling and advertising: exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children

Authors: Teresa Correa; Camila Fierro; Marcela Reyes; Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier; Lindsey Smith Taillie; Camila Corvalan

2019 –

In line with calls for action from international health organizations, Chile implemented in June 2016 a set of regulations to tackle the obesity epidemic. The new regulation includes the mandatory use of front-of-package warning labels on packaged foods/beverages high in energy, sugars, saturated fats and sodium. Additionally, such foods cannot be sold nor offered in daycare/schools and cannot be promoted to children under 14yo. The law is targeted to children; thus, this study examined mothers’ understanding, perceptions, and behaviors associated with the regulation one year after its implementation, using a qualitative approach.