Authors: ANVISA

October 2020 – Regulation from the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), of the Ministry of Public Health of Brazil regarding the nutritional labeling of food (including beverages) and technical requirements. It excludes unprocessed and minimally processed foods, aligning with the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. It requires Front-of-Package Nutritional Labeling (FoPNL), featuring rectangles with magnifying glasses and legends “High in: Saturated fats / added sugars / sodium” (white letters on a black background), when these quantities exceed the limits established by ANVISA. It enhances the design, content, and legibility of the nutritional information panel, in black lettering on a white background. It includes mandatory information on: total and added sugars, number of servings per package, and all information on nutrient content per 100 g or 100 ml. It was approved in 2020 and began to be enforced in 2022.

Regulación de la Agencia nacional de vigilancia sanitaria (ANVISA), del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Brasil sobre el etiquetado nutricional de alimentos (bebidas incluidas) y requisitos técnicos. Excluye los alimentos sin procesar y mínimamente procesados, lo que se alinea con las Guías Alimentarias para la Población Brasileña. Requiere etiquetado frontal nutricional (FoPNL), de rectángulos con lupa y leyendas “Alto en: Grasas saturadas / azúcares agregados / sodio (letras blancas sobre fondo negro), cuando esta cantidades superen los limites establecidos ANVISA. Mejora el diseño, contenido y legibilidad del panel de información nutricional, en letra negra sobre fondo blanco. Incluye la información obligatoria de: azúcares totales y añadidos, número de porciones del producto por envase, y toda la información sobre el contenido de nutrientes por 100 g o 100 ml. Fue aprobada en el 2020 y comenzó a aplicarse en el 2022.

The importance of environments in promoting healthy eating

Authors: Ana Luisa S. de Paiva Moura. General Coordination of Food and Nutrition. Department of Basic Care. Secretary of Health Care. Ministry of Health of Brazil

August 22, 2017 – Data on the incidence of overweight in Brazil and recommendations, actions and commitments for the promotion of healthy eating in Brazil are presented.

Front of Package Nutritional Labeling of Foods – Resolution – RDC Nº 429, OCTOBER 8, 2020

Author: Brazilian Government

October 8, 2020 – Resolution of the Brazilian government that establishes Front of Package Nutritional Labeling for foods.

Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis Report on Nutrition Labeling

Author: ANVISA – Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitária / Gerencia Geral de Alimentos

May 2018 – Brazil was one of the first countries to adopt mandatory nutrition labeling as part of the public health strategy to promote adequate and healthy food and to combat obesity, through regulatory actions conducted by ANVISA.

The Label can be Better

Author: Instituto Brasileiro de Defensa do Consumidor

September / October 2016 – Scientific research identifies difficulties for consumers to understand nutritional information and obtains their opinion on what may change. The good news is that it is possible to generate a more understandable label and Brazil is on that path. (in Portuguese)

Preliminary Report on Regulatory Impact Analysis on Nutrition Labeling

Authors: ANVISA – Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitária / Gerencia Geral de Alimentos

May 2018 – Brazil was one of the first countries to adopt mandatory nutrition labeling as part of the public health strategy to promote adequate and healthy food and to combat overweight, through regulatory actions conducted by Anvisa.