Regulatory Decree 151/2022 Healthy Eating Promotion Law

Authors: Argentina Republic

March 2022 – Presidential Decree regulating Law No. 27.642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating in the Argentine Republic. It establishes the Ministry of Public Health as the enforcement authority of the law. It is also known as the front-of-package labeling law. It includes restrictions on the sale of products containing labels in school environments. It is based on the Nutrient Profile Model of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). It is one of the most recently approved regulations in the region. It utilizes warning octagons for “Excess of” sugars, total fats, healthy fats, sodium, calories, and precautionary legends for children regarding sweeteners and caffeine. The document is the decree but includes the complete Law as an annex.

Information on the Chilean National Television Council

Authors: National Television Council Chile

August 22, 2017 – Presentation on the main functions of the Chilean National Television Council (CNTV) and the agreement with the Ministry of Health in accordance with Law 20.606.

International Meeting “Towards a Healthier World: Promoting Partnerships for the Regulation of Food Environments”

Authors: Felipe Lira Ibañez – Chile Grows Healthy – Chilealimentos

August 22, 2017 – International Meeting “Towards a Healthier World: Promoting Partnerships for the Regulation of Food Environments”

Food Labeling – Analysis of Effects

Authors: ANDA – National Association of Advertising in Chile

Augus22, 2017 – Position taken by ANDA -National Association of Advertisers of Chile on the problem of childhood obesity in Chile. They disagree with the restrictions on advertising established by Law 20.606.

Chile: Healthy Country

Authors: Guido Girardi

August 21, 2017 – Presentation on risk factors for health; on the promotion, development of Law 20606 on the nutritional composition of food and its advertising and evaluation studies of the law.

Chile Law 20606 – On the nutritional composition of food and its advertising

Authors: Government of Chile – Ministry of Health; Undersecretary of Public Health

August 18, 2021 – Law 20606 that establishes and regulates the nutritional composition of food and its advertising.

Chile Law 21362 – Amends various legal bodies in order to regulate the labeling, advertising and sale of gluten-free foods, and other items

Author: Ministry of Health, Chilean Government

August 18, 2021 – Law that modifies legal bodies to regulate the labeling, advertising and sale of gluten-free foods and others.

UNICEF calls on governments, the business sector and civil society to work together to improve advertising practices aimed at children and adolescents.

Author: UNICEF

June 30, 2015 – UNICEF calls on governments, companies and civil society to work together to improve advertising practices aimed at children and adolescents, within the framework of the presentation of the exploratory study Promotion and advertising of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at children in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoted by UNICEF in collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), which is made public today in the city of San José, Costa Rica.

Exploratory study on the promotion and advertising of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at children in Latin America and the Caribbean. Executive summary of results.

Author: UNICEF

2013 – The influence of unhealthy food and beverage promotion and advertising practices (high in fat, sugar and salt) aimed at children is one of the main causes of childhood obesity and the development of chronic non-communicable diseases in adulthood. . Exploratory study that aims to identify the regulations in force in the region regarding the regulation of the promotion and advertising of food and beverages aimed at children; and more specifically in Mexico, Argentina and Costa Rica.

Structural responses to the obesity and non‐communicable diseases epidemic: Update on the Chilean law of food labelling and advertising

Authors: C. Corvalán; M. Reyes; M. L. Garmendia; R. Uauy

2018 – Chile approved the law of food labelling and advertising in 2012; this law aims to address the obesity epidemic, particularly in children. The implementation details were published in 2015, and the law was implemented finally in 2016. Regulated foods were defined based on a specially developed nutrient profiling, which considered natural foods as gold standard. For liquid foods, amounts of energy, sugars, saturated fats, and sodium in 100 mL of cow’s milk were used as cut‐offs. For solid foods, values within the 90th ‐ 99th percentile range for energy and critical nutrients were selected as cut‐off within a list of natural foods. A stop sign stating “High in ” was chosen as warning label for packaged regulated foods. Regulated foods were also forbidden to be sold or offered for free at kiosks, cafeterias, and feeding programme at schools and nurseries. Besides, regulated foods cannot be promoted to children under 14 years. A staggered implementation of the regulation was decided, with nutrients cut‐offs becoming increasingly stricter over a 3‐year period. These regulatory efforts are in the right direction but will have to be sustained and complemented with other actions to achieve their ultimate impact of halting the obesity epidemic.