Front of Package Nutritional Labelling

Authors: Health Secretary Argentina, Ministry of Health and Social Development Argentina

November 2018 – This report on front of package nutritional labels was prepared by the National Program on Health Eating and Prevention of Obesity of the Ministry of Health based on a bibliographic review of the subject and an intersectoral discussion table convened within the framework of the National Commission for Healthy Eating and Obesity Prevention coordinated by the National Directorate of Health Promotion and Control of Non-communicable Chronic Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Government.

Review of current labelling regulations and practices for food and beverage targeting children and adolescents in Latin America countries (Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina) and recommendations for facilitating consumer information

Author: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México / UNICEF

November 2016 – In response to the rising rates of obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), policies have emerged that focus on improving the diets of populations using strategies such as food labelling. The aim of food labels is to influence consumers to make healthier decisions regarding their food choices. The present study include: A review current food labelling regulations and voluntary practices on products targeted to children and adolescents in Latin America (LA); Identify key labelling models in packaged food targeted to children and adolescents in four Latin countries: Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina; To test the usage, perception and preference of such systems with a sample of parents; and 4) To provide specific recommendations.

Responses to the Chilean law of food labeling and advertising: exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children

Authors: Teresa Correa; Camila Fierro; Marcela Reyes; Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier; Lindsey Smith Taillie; Camila Corvalan

2019 –

In line with calls for action from international health organizations, Chile implemented in June 2016 a set of regulations to tackle the obesity epidemic. The new regulation includes the mandatory use of front-of-package warning labels on packaged foods/beverages high in energy, sugars, saturated fats and sodium. Additionally, such foods cannot be sold nor offered in daycare/schools and cannot be promoted to children under 14yo. The law is targeted to children; thus, this study examined mothers’ understanding, perceptions, and behaviors associated with the regulation one year after its implementation, using a qualitative approach.

Public policies to address obesity in Chile: Law 20.606 on the food nutritional composition and advertising

Author: Carmén Castillo

August 2017 – Presentation on the implementation of the Chilean law 20.606 on the nutritional composition of foods and their advertising; one year evaluation after law implementation.