Toolkit for Strengthening Healthy Environments at the Municipal Level. Recommendations for Achieving Healthy Environments

Authors: Federación Argentina de Graduados en Nutrición (FAGRAN) Centro de Investigación sobre Problemáticas Alimentarias Nutricionales (CISPAN) – UBA

March 2023 – The document offers pedagogical resources and territorial strategies to support Argentine municipal technical teams in participatory improvement of the daily living environments of children and adolescents. It is recommended to start with the Healthy Environments Questionnaire to assess the local situation. Each environment, such as schools, health centers, and recreational spaces, should be comprehensively addressed according to the provided recommendations. The “Nutritional Education” chapter includes a guide for organizing workshops on nutritional information and front-of-package labeling for children and adolescents. Additionally, it contains a calendar of events related to health and nutrition.

El documento ofrece recursos pedagógicos y estrategias territoriales para apoyar a los equipos técnicos municipales argentinos en la mejora participativa de los entornos de vida cotidiana de niños y adolescentes. Se recomienda comenzar con el Cuestionario Entornos Saludables para evaluar la situación local. Cada entorno, como escuelas, centros de salud y espacios recreativos, debe abordarse integralmente según las recomendaciones proporcionadas. El capítulo de “Educación alimentaria nutricional” incluye una guía para organizar talleres sobre información nutricional y etiquetado frontal para niños y adolescentes. Además, contiene un calendario de efemérides relacionadas con la salud y la alimentación.

Superior Efficacy of Front-of-Package Warning Labels in Jamaica

Authors: PAHO. PanAmerican Health Organization / WHO. World Health Organization

March 2021 – This fact-sheet presents the results of the first study to take place in the Caribbean to examine the best performing front-of-package labeling (FOPL). It was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness of Jamaica, the University of Technology, Jamaica, and the Pan American Health Organization, and contributes to the evidence that has been accumulated in the Region of the Americas on the topic. Consumers showed the octagonal warning labels had the highest chances of correctly identifying when products were excessive in sugars, sodium, or saturated fats, of correctly identifying the least harmful option, and of choosing the least harmful or none of the products more often.

Superior Efficacy of Front-of-Package Warning Labels in Jamaica

Author: PAHO. PanAmerican Health Organization / WHO. World Health Organization

March 2021 – This fact-sheet presents the results of the first study to take place in the Caribbean to examine the best performing front-of-package labeling (FOPL). It was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness of Jamaica, the University of Technology, Jamaica, and the Pan American Health Organization, and contributes to the evidence that has been accumulated in the Region of the Americas on the topic. Consumers showed the octagonal warning labels had the highest chances of correctly identifying when products were excessive in sugars, sodium, or saturated fats, of correctly identifying the least harmful option, and of choosing the least harmful or none of the products more often.

Superior Efficacy of Front-of-Package Warning Labels in Jamaica

Author: PanAmerican Health Organization ( PAHO ) / World Health Organization ( WHO )

March 2021 – This fact-sheet presents the results of the first study to take place in the Caribbean to examine the best performing front-of-package labeling (FOPL). It was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness of Jamaica, the University of Technology, Jamaica, and the Pan American Health Organization, and contributes to the evidence that has been accumulated in the Region of the Americas on the topic. Consumers showed the octagonal warning labels had the highest chances of correctly identifying when products were excessive in sugars, sodium, or saturated fats, of correctly identifying the least harmful option, and of choosing the least harmful or none of the products more often.