Letter to Ambassador of Chile in Mexico

Author: Alianza por la Salud Alimentaria

June 2015 – Letter of support for the proposals to regulate front labeling and food and beverage advertising aimed at children presented in Chile by the Ministry of Health and promoted by the legislature through the so-called Super 8 Law.


Hundreds of Mexican organizations denounce the attack by junk food corporations against public anti-obesity policies in Chile and request to maintain the front labeling proposal .

Author: Alianza por la Salud Alimentaria

June 2015 – Letter of support from civil society organizations to the Chilean ambassador supporting regulations against junk food and pointing fingers at the Mexican government for interfering in favor of corporations. They denounce that large corporations are waging a battle in the region against policies aimed at combating obesity.


Superior Efficacy of Front-of-Package Warning Labels in Jamaica

Author: PAHO. PanAmerican Health Organization / WHO. World Health Organization

March 2021 – This fact-sheet presents the results of the first study to take place in the Caribbean to examine the best performing front-of-package labeling (FOPL). It was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness of Jamaica, the University of Technology, Jamaica, and the Pan American Health Organization, and contributes to the evidence that has been accumulated in the Region of the Americas on the topic. Consumers showed the octagonal warning labels had the highest chances of correctly identifying when products were excessive in sugars, sodium, or saturated fats, of correctly identifying the least harmful option, and of choosing the least harmful or none of the products more often.


Building Alliances to regulate food environments and prevent obesity

Authors: Francesco Branca

August 2017 – Presentation that shows the importance of creating regional alliances to address risk factors for obesity.


The Food Supply Prior to the Implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising

Authors: Rebecca Kanter; Marcela Reyes; Boyd Swinburn; Stefanie Vandevijvere; Camila Corvalán

December 2018 – Evaluate the composition of the food supply ahead of the implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising (Law 20.606) in June 2016. The INFORMAS (International Network for food and Obesity/Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support) framework for monitoring the composition of the food supply was used. The Law’s initial (2016) and final (2019) limits were used to evaluate if foods would receive a “High in” warning for Calories, Sodium, Sugars and/or Saturated Fats (initial/final, solids: 350/275 kcal; >800/400 mg; >22.5/10 g; >6/4 g; liquids: >100/70 kcal; >100/100 mg; >6/5 g; >3/3 g respectively).


Structural responses to the obesity and non‐communicable diseases epidemic: Update on the Chilean law of food labelling and advertising

Authors: C. Corvalán; M. Reyes; M. L. Garmendia; R. Uauy

2018 – Chile approved the law of food labelling and advertising in 2012; this law aims to address the obesity epidemic, particularly in children. The implementation details were published in 2015, and the law was implemented finally in 2016. Regulated foods were defined based on a specially developed nutrient profiling, which considered natural foods as gold standard. For liquid foods, amounts of energy, sugars, saturated fats, and sodium in 100 mL of cow’s milk were used as cut‐offs. For solid foods, values within the 90th ‐ 99th percentile range for energy and critical nutrients were selected as cut‐off within a list of natural foods. A stop sign stating “High in ” was chosen as warning label for packaged regulated foods. Regulated foods were also forbidden to be sold or offered for free at kiosks, cafeterias, and feeding programme at schools and nurseries. Besides, regulated foods cannot be promoted to children under 14 years. A staggered implementation of the regulation was decided, with nutrients cut‐offs becoming increasingly stricter over a 3‐year period. These regulatory efforts are in the right direction but will have to be sustained and complemented with other actions to achieve their ultimate impact of halting the obesity epidemic.


Structural responses to the obesity and non-communicable diseases epidemic: the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising

Authors: C. Corvalán; M. Reyes; M. L. Garmendia; R. Uauy

2013 – Chilean Senate approved the Law of Food Labeling and Advertising, resulting from the joint efforts of a group of health professionals, researchers and legislators who proposed a regulatory framework in support of healthy diets and active living. Its goal was to curb the ongoing epidemic increase of obesity and non-communicable diseases. Two actions included: (i) improving point of food purchase consumer information by incorporating easy-to-understand front-of-packages labeling and specific messages addressing critical nutrients, and (ii) decreasing children’s exposure to unhealthy foods by restricting marketing, advertising and sales.


Responses to the Chilean law of food labeling and advertising: exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children

Authors: Teresa Correa; Camila Fierro; Marcela Reyes; Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier; Lindsey Smith Taillie; Camila Corvalan

2019 – In line with calls for action from international health organizations, Chile implemented in June 2016 a set of regulations to tackle the obesity epidemic. The new regulation includes the mandatory use of front-of-package warning labels on packaged foods/beverages high in energy, sugars, saturated fats and sodium. Additionally, such foods cannot be sold nor offered in daycares/schools and cannot be promoted to children under 14yo. The law is targeted to children; thus, this study examined mothers’ understanding, perceptions, and behaviors associated with the regulation one year after its implementation, using a qualitative approach.


Food Labeling and Chronic Diseases: Consumers Perception in Brazil

Authors: IDEC Brasil

2014 – The determination of overweight, obesity and other chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is associated with the lifestyle of modern populations. Given the finding that NCDs are the main causes of mortality and morbidity in the Brazilian population and that food regulation is one of the strategies identified as a tool to fight these diseases, it is necessary to verify the knowledge and behavior of consumers in relation to food labeling and also to evaluate the possible differences between those who suffer from NCDs and those who are free from this health problem. The general objective of the research was to evaluate the consumer’s knowledge, behavior, perception and preference in relation to general and nutritional food labeling, according to the presence of non-communicable chronic diseases.


The effects of the Chilean food package policy on aggregate employment and real wages

Authors: Guillermo Paraje / Arantxa Colchero / Juan Marcos Wlasiuk / Antonio Martner Sota / Barry M. Popkin

January 2021 – In 2016 the Chilean government instituted the world’s most aggressive food policy package to prevent obesity and nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases. The package included comprehensive integrated policies on child marketing, school-related controls, and front-of-package warning labels for foods and beverages high in saturated fats, sugars, calories, and/or salt. This study assesses the impact of these policies on labor market outcomes (real wages and aggregate employment) after 18 months. Our results show that aggregate employment and average real wages were not affected by these regulations when compared to sectors unlikely to be affected by the policies. The study finds that sectors in which products are subject to labeling may have seen a decline in production but show no reduction in employment on aggregate. These results are consistent with evidence from research on the influence of other types of regulations (for example, how taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages affect employment) in other countries and cast doubts on the concerns that firms commonly raise about the negative impact of such regulations on labor market outcomes.
