The Label can be Better

Author: Instituto Brasileiro de Defensa do Consumidor

September / October 2016 – Scientific research identifies difficulties for consumers to understand nutritional information and obtains their opinion on what may change. The good news is that it is possible to generate a more understandable label and Brazil is on that path. (in Portuguese)

Review of current labelling regulations and practices for food and beverage targeting children and adolescents in Latin America countries (Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina) and recommendations for facilitating consumer information

Author: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México / UNICEF

November 2016 – In response to the rising rates of obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), policies have emerged that focus on improving the diets of populations using strategies such as food labelling. The aim of food labels is to influence consumers to make healthier decisions regarding their food choices. The present study include: A review current food labelling regulations and voluntary practices on products targeted to children and adolescents in Latin America (LA); Identify key labelling models in packaged food targeted to children and adolescents in four Latin countries: Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina; To test the usage, perception and preference of such systems with a sample of parents; and 4) To provide specific recommendations.