On Friday, June 26, 2020, the Healthy Latin America Coalition (CLAS) and the Community of Practice hosted a webinar on improving Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This webinar presented the advances in the creation of the Community of Practice to improve the Healthy and Sustainable Food systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, and focused on considering the current situation of Front of Package Labeling of Ultra-processed Food and Beverages, in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Organized by the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Defense (IDEC), the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), the Institute of Clinical and Sanitary Effectiveness (IECS), the University of Chile (INTA), and the Inter-American Heart Foundation (IAHF). We appreciate the support of the International Development Research Center (IDRC).
A recording of the webinar (in SPANISH) can be found here. Individual presentations (in SPANISH) are located below.
- Present the advances in the Community of Practice project and determine interest in participating in this Community
- Describe the strategy of Front of Package Labeling of Ultra-processed Food and Beverages as an action model for the region
- Consider examples: Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico
- Consider a regional plan for the entire region to develop front of package labeling strategies. What strengths and weaknesses do we have? How to overcome them?
- Introduction — Beatriz Champagne
- How the Community of Practice advances — Ana Paula Bortoletto
- Main aspects of the Conceptual Framework — Vilma Irazola
- Discussion
- Front of Package Labeling as a Community of Practice model strategy — Camila Corvalán
- Chile Experience — Camila Corvalán
- Peru Experience — Jaime Delgado
- Uruguay Experience — Diego Rodríguez and Gastón Ares
- Mexico Experience — Simón Barquera
- Comments — Fabio Gomes, PAHO
- Questions and answers. Discussion — Moderated by Beatriz
- How do we develop a regional plan to move forward with Front of Package Labeling?
- Next steps, final comments and closure. Next webinar. Camila and Beatriz
The Healthy Latin American Coalition or CLAS is an initiative of the Inter-American Heart Foundation.