Statement to the 68th World Health Assembly on Agenda item 13.1 – Outcome of the Second International Conference on Nutrition

Author: World Obesity Federation

2015 – Letter to welcome the recent focus on nutrition through the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) and the wider non – communicable disease (NCD) agenda. To support the efforts to address malnutrition in all its forms, recognising that 12 of the top 20 global disease risk factors are nutrition – related and can only be comprehensively addressed through strengthening and creating healthy and sustainable food systems.

Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis Report on Nutrition Labeling

Author: ANVISA – Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitária / Gerencia Geral de Alimentos

May 2018 – Brazil was one of the first countries to adopt mandatory nutrition labeling as part of the public health strategy to promote adequate and healthy food and to combat obesity, through regulatory actions conducted by ANVISA.

Preliminary Report on Regulatory Impact Analysis on Nutrition Labeling

Authors: ANVISA – Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitária / Gerencia Geral de Alimentos

May 2018 – Brazil was one of the first countries to adopt mandatory nutrition labeling as part of the public health strategy to promote adequate and healthy food and to combat overweight, through regulatory actions conducted by Anvisa.

Law 30021 for the promotion of healthy eating for children and adolescents. 60 days to approve technical parameters through regulations

Author: Jaime Delgado

August 2017 – Presentation on what Law 30021 proposes for the promotion of healthy eating in children and adolescents with various graphic examples of nutritional labeling in Peru and other South American countries.

Environment regulation experience: Costa Rica

Authors: Cambronero

August 2017 – Presentation of the SAN-CELAC plan with economic and health data from Costa Rica and actions to strengthen health promotion.