Analysis of regulations and practices for food and beverage labeling for children and adolescents in some Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico) and recommendations to facilitate consumer information.

Authors: Instituto Nacional de Salud de México

November 2016 – The document analyzes food and beverage labeling regulations and practices for children and adolescents in the Americas. It highlights the positive contribution of food labeling in reducing obesity levels in the population, emphasizing the importance of developing campaigns to improve understanding and use of labeling systems, especially among parents and caregivers responsible for purchasing food for their children. Additionally, it urges the participation of civil society, governments, international organizations, and NGOs in promoting and implementing regulations for packaged foods and beverages. Specific examples are mentioned from countries such as Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico, which have implemented evidence-based labeling systems to inform consumers about the nutritional content of packaged foods.

El documento analiza las regulaciones y prácticas de etiquetado de alimentos y bebidas para niños y adolescentes en las Américas. Destaca la contribución positiva del etiquetado de alimentos en la reducción de los niveles de obesidad en la población, resaltando la importancia de desarrollar campañas para mejorar la comprensión y el uso de los sistemas de etiquetado, especialmente entre los padres y cuidadores responsables de comprar alimentos para sus hijos. Además, insta a la participación de la sociedad civil, los gobiernos, organizaciones internacionales y ONGs en la promoción e implementación de regulaciones para alimentos y bebidas envasados. Se mencionan ejemplos específicos de países como Chile, Ecuador y México que han implementado sistemas de etiquetado basados en evidencia científica para informar a los consumidores sobre el contenido nutricional de los alimentos envasados.álisis%20de%20regulaciones%20y%20prácticas%20para%20el%20etiquetado%20de%20alimentos%20y%20bebidas.pdf

Experience of Argentina in Regulation of Environments

Authors: National Program for Healthy Eating and Prevention of Obesity, Ministry of Health, Presidency of the Nation

August 22, 2017 – The National Program for Healthy Eating and Prevention of Obesity (Res 732/16) is presented, with its strategies for promotion, dissemination, regulation in healthy environments such as Work, University, Municipalities and Schools.

Peru – Law No. 30.021/2013. Law for the Promotion of Healthy Eating for Children and Adolescents

Authors: Legislative Branch, Peruvian Government

May 10, 2013 – Law that aims to promote and protect health, growth and development through education, promotion of physical activity, implementation of kiosks and healthy dining rooms and supervision of advertising and information related to food and non-alcoholic beverages, aimed at children and adolescents.ú-Ley-siteal_peru_0137.pdf

Unicef seeks regulation of advertising of unhealthy foods aimed at children in Latin America.

Author: Marcelo Ber

June 30, 2015 – Email to disseminate and share a UNICEF publication on the indirect marketing of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at children in Latin America and the Caribbean with a focus on schools and social networks, developed in collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP).

UNICEF calls on governments, the business sector and civil society to work together to improve advertising practices aimed at children and adolescents.

Author: UNICEF

June 30, 2015 – UNICEF calls on governments, companies and civil society to work together to improve advertising practices aimed at children and adolescents, within the framework of the presentation of the exploratory study Promotion and advertising of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at children in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoted by UNICEF in collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), which is made public today in the city of San José, Costa Rica.